Rooted Week 9
Please take a few short minutes to watch the Week 9 Training Video and be sure to review in your Facilitator Guide.
Sharing YOUR Story
We tell everyone about all the mundane, insignificant great things in our lives already. During our time together in Rooted, we seek to help everyone distill their stories into concise explanations of God’s goodness in our lives. We want to develop an understanding of God’s involvement in our lives so we can share it with others. Being a storyteller is all about advocating for something by explaining our experience with it and how it’s changed our lives. It’s about simply wanting others to taste and see for themselves what God has done for us. It’s an invitation with an explanation. It’s not about being abrasive, having all the right answers, or feeling finished with what we’ve experienced or may still be learning.
When we tell our story, we’re partnering with what God is already doing in someone’s life to pull them closer to God.
We can argue against straw-men, philosophical ideals, and historical questions surrounding the nature of God and reality all we want. However, none of that matters if our abstract ideas don’t impact our concrete reality. We need to not just believe in God, but also experience him. That’s what this Rooted journey is all about—balancing knowledge with practice.
Make sure to challenge your group to be praying about an opportunity to share their story with someone, if they haven’t already. This is part of the Rooted Experience.
Cards & Rooted Stories
Let everyone share their experiences with Rooted. What pieces were most meaningful to them? Has something changed in their lives? It doesn’t have to be some big revelation, but something most likely has happened that’s moved them a little closer to Jesus.
That’s what Rooted is all about—understanding the story of God and our place inside of it. So, in your group, we are asking you to make a cardboard sign that flips from “I WAS ___ “ to “JESUS IS ___.” It could be a single word or it could be a phrase. Feel free to break the mold and think outside the box.