Frequently Asked Questions


Who can attend TC3 Student Services?

TC3 Students is for students in sixth to 12th grade.

When does TC3 Students meet?

Every Sunday at TC3 from 6:00-8:00pm.

Do TC3 Student Small Group Leaders have a background check?

All TC3 Student Small Group Leaders must have an approved background check before serving with students.

What can my student expect at TC3 Students?

Doors to the lobby open half an hour to an hour before the service starts. This gives students an opportunity to connect with friends, Small Group Leaders, grab a snack from our snack bar, and play games. At 6:25 PM we will all head into service. Every service includes a game and worship, led by students, and a sermon.

Do you have to be a Christian to attend?

TC3 Students is open to EVERYONE. We preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ unashamedly. At the center of that Gospel is LOVE and that is what we show to every student that walks through our doors.

Can I stay with my child at TC3 Students?

The safety of the students is our first priority at TC3 Students. The only adults allowed to attend are volunteers and small group leaders who have an approved background check. However, if you have a student that plays in our TC3 Student Worship Band and you would like to hear them play, you are welcome to attend as long as this is cleared with our staff prior to our Sunday service. This can be done by simply emailing

What does TC3 Students believe?

Find out what TC3.Church and TC3 Students believe here.

Who can I contact for specific questions or concerns?

You can email with any questions or concerns.

Fun Game

TC3 Student’s goal is to connect middle school and high school students to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.

A small group of girl

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill that cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14


Serve at TC3.Students


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Connect to Christ

Our mission is to connect students to the life changing power of Jesus Christ, disciple them before and after that connection is made, while enabling them to live out Matthew 5:14.


Connect to Church

One of the most important aspects of TC3 Students is to connect students to community within the Church. We are able to accomplish this through three main ways: HomeGroups, Serve Teams, and our TC3 Student Worship Band. Each of these avenues allow people to not only go deeper in their faith but deeper into community and relationship within the walls of the Church.


Connect to Community

All of us were created by God to make a difference in the life of another person. God has a place for you where your unique abilities and passions can impact the lives of others. We believe your life will never make sense until you find, develop and fulfill that purpose. When we understand that God desires to use us in unique ways, it should then motivate us to fulfill the great commission as Jesus shares in Matthew 28.

