


Rooted Week 1


Thank You!

I just wanted to officially thank you again for leading out with ROOTED in your group. I pray you’re already being blessed as you personally journey together.

As a reminder each week, I’ll send a quick training email, video and other insights to help us stay on the same page. Please take a few short minutes (3 to be exact…) to watch the Week 1 Training Video and be sure to review the training notes about facilitating discussion.

Day/Time You Plan to Meet

We will be meeting in the auditorium from 6:30 - 8pm. There will be childcare available in the old building. We want to try our best on allowing our children’s workers to leave no later than 8:15.

Rooted or Lifegroup

As we are going through our Rooted experience we want to be looking for future rooted table/lifegroup leaders. We also want to start planting seeds of connecting our people to Spring/Fall LifeGroups in the future.


As we stated, many of our ROOTED Groups are stepping out in faith and seeking connecting for the first time…which is scary. Begin to pray for your members by name and for all God plans to accomplish over the next 11 weeks!

How Can I Pray for You?

Seriously…I’m carving out time/space to pray for each of you (and your groups) individually and would love to know any specific needs or concerns you may have. (NOTE: All requests are confidential and will remain so, but want you to know you’re valued and supported.) As always, if you have any questions, concerns or simply want to know more about getting connected at TC3 Church, email carl@tc3.church anytime.