Connecting people to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ Event

Easter Sunday 2019

We are thankful the journey for a new church home brought you to TC3. We understand “the struggle is real” when searching for a new church home. We hope you can relax for just a moment, take the guard down just a bit, and let God lead you. We are committed to making your experience with us as user friendly as possible. When you join us for a service, you will notice immediately that Life-change is a big word for us. Our goal is that everyone who comes through our doors or joins us online through our Livestream, connects with the Life-changing power of Jesus Christ in a very real way. You will also discover if you dig a little deeper, TC3 is full of imperfect people who are simply striving daily to be more like Christ than they were the day before. The journey for us, is about progress not perfection. The cool thing is, we are seeing God do amazing things in so many lives at TC3.

We also understand that life is a journey and that the journey has many stages. Young or taking more territory in the twilight years, TC3 is a place where you can plug in and be poured into. Kids drag their parents to TC3 for our kids programs, teenagers find friends, adults find community, and everyone finds a family. Consider this your opportunity to join in on what God is doing at TC3. We are confident He is just getting started with us and with you. We look forward to sharing more of the path with you.