Wonderful Workshop

Wonderful Workshop

Jesus is amazing.

Bible Story

Calming the Storm
Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41

Jesus stops a storm while He and His disciples are in a boat.


“Everyone who heard him was amazed.”

Luke 2:47, NIV




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Morning Time

When you go into your child’s room, say: "Good morning, [child's name]! Show me your powerful muscles. Ooo...wow! Jesus' power is so amazing even the wind and waves do what He says!"

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Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your child and pray: "God, help us trust that the same Jesus who did amazing things while He was on earth is alive today and wants to do amazing things in our lives, too."


Drive Time

While on the go, look at the clouds and see how many shapes you can find. Animals? Triangle? Balloons? Talk about how Jesus has power over all of creation. Clouds, wind, rain...all of it. That is why the storm stopped when Jesus told it to stop.

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Bath Time

Add a toy boat to bath time. Show your child how to make waves with their hands. When you say, "make waves," they will make waves. When you say, "stop," they will stop. Talk about how Jesus made the wind and waves stop when the disciples were in a boat. Jesus is amazing!

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Enrique Varela