Wonderful Workshop

Wonderful Workshop

Jesus is amazing.

Bible Story

Water to Wine
John 2:1-11

Jesus turns water into a super fancy party drink at a wedding after His mother asks Him for help.


“Everyone who heard him was amazed.”

Luke 2:47, NIV




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Morning Time

When you go into your child’s room, say: "Good morning, [child's name]! I see someone who Jesus wants to be friends with forever. Who do I see? I see YOU!"

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Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your child and pray: "God, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to be our friend forever. Help us to follow Jesus and look to Him as our very best friend."


Drive Time

While on the go, ask your child to name what they hear. Talk about how everyone who heard Jesus was amazed!

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Bath Time

Add items your child can scoop and pour with to bath time. As your child plays, talk about how one time, when Jesus was at a wedding, the people ran out of a super fancy party drink. Jesus is so amazing He turned water into the super fancy wedding drink!

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Enrique Varela