
Easter Story


Everything you need to teach your kids the Resurrection Easter Story. This is a simple way to communicate what happened and why scripted for preschoolers up to older elementary age kids. Here is a list of the items you should have around your house you will need before you begin:

  • An empty egg carton

  • 12 plastic eggs numbered 1-12

  • A small toy donkey or picture cut out

  • 3 silver coins (any will work but should be all the same)

  • A thimble or small cup (a Barbie cup will work)

  • Picture of praying hands or clay molding of hands

  • Small strip of leather or brown yarn

  • Crown of thorns (a piece of brown vine made into a crown)

  • 3 small nails

  • A die

  • Small toy spear (a whittled stick or painted toothpick is great)

  • Piece of all white cloth

  • A rock

Also make sure to download and print off the 2 pdf pages from the link below to help guide your conversations through the Bible.

I pray that each of you are able to grow some awesome dialogue and grow and deeper understanding of what Jesus did for the world and why He did it.
